The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Pramathesh Barua College, Gaurpur was established in the year 2004. The Cell has been functioning as integral part of the Academic and Administrative activities of the college. Post NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) –II assessment, the IQAC has geared up and has extended its support for all the Academic and Administrative affairs of our College. There has been a persistent attempt to transform the role of IQAC from the concept of merely ‘Cell to ‘System’. The importance of IQAC of the college has been increased and has a key role in the “Governance” and “Management” of the College. The IQAC of the College is monitoring the entire planning and implementation of the curriculum planning and implementation of ‘Choice Based Credit System”, frame work for all syllabi and pattern for ‘Continuous Evaluation System”.